Monday, October 31, 2005

Mobile phone mapping

This is the first post with any real idea. Mobile phone systems are now required to be able to locate 911 callers so that responders (police, ambulance) know where to go when they get a call. The data about where mobile phone users are can be used in a number of interesting ways. By tracking the location of users over time, one could construct a real-time traffic map. For example, this could be used for traffic flow purposes (i.e. what routes are congested, what is the best way home tonight) . Furthermore, it can be done anonymously - it is only necessary to know a given phone's location over time, not any information about the phone's user.

Though I've had this idea for a while, I haven't committed it to "paper" until now. I think an East-Coast university or phone company may have just announced a plan to study this as a possibility just last week.

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