Monday, November 28, 2005

Language Game

Here's an idea for a computer or console game intended to make learning a language interesting.

Imagine a fantasy-world game where the foreign language is used to cast magic spells. A microphone is needed to record what the user says. The game would teach the player to say phrases or sentences to activate spells. Introductory phrases such as those relating to time, location, or acquiring things lend themselves to this concept. For example, learning to ask about location or directions might conjure up a map, or saying "I am from ..." might return the user to that location. Other sentences might be used to activate objects. A user might have a magic bag that only opens when the user says "My name is ...". Basic written text would serve as the "magic language" to teach new spells at higher levels, or serve as in-game puzzles. Sentences or short poems could also be used for "magical combat". For instance players might freeze an opponent by saying "The weather today calls for snow and wind."

In games, the concept of "leveling up" is common, where the player gains more abilities over time as their character progresses (e.g. learning new skills, spells, etc.). This would work well with a language based game because the player would naturally learn more over time, leading to more sophisticated spells and puzzle challenges.

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